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Liliana's Marriage: Cecca Climbs a Wall

Liliana stood on her balcony overlooking her father's vineyard. She hummed an old country song as she raked the brush through her hair. The earliest stars of the night blinked down on her, calming her spirits.

"Liliana!" A voice called, a whisper barely concealed. "Liliana, help me up!"

Liliana looked around, eyes wide. "Who's there?" She asked, clutching the brush to her heart.

A hand appeared in front of her, grabbing onto the old brick siding.

"Ay, i miei capelli sono presi sui mattoni," the girl grumbled as she heaved her way onto Liliana's balcony. "It's me, Cecca, you idiota." The girl fell at Liliana'a feet, still grumbling. "Couldn't you grow some vines or something? That brick is impossible to climb."

"Cecca!" Liliana gasped, slightly shocked. Cecca grinned at her, a wide grin with a gap between her teeth, giving her the look of one constantly spotting adventures. Her hair was falling out of her slick chestnut bun, a halo testament to the difficult climb.

Cecca laughed off the comment, her green eyes squinting and freckled nose wrinkly in amusement. "This isn't late for me, trust me. I have something to tell you, cugino." She paused for effect, looking around while pure-hearted Liliana waited expectantly. "I'm running away," the girl finally announced proudly.

"Che cosa? What do you mean, 'you're running away?'" Liliana asked, befuddled and concerned.

"I'm marrying the sarto's son, Emilio. We asked a priest from across the vineyard to marry us, and he agreed! We're leaving tonight, but I had to come to tell you first, cugino." Cecca explained, her eyes dazzling.

Liliana stared at her in disbelief, recalling the tailor's son with the beautiful mustachio. "But Cecca, you can't marry Emilio. Your padre is arranging your marriage to Marco, the norcina's son."

"And why should I marry the butcher's son?" Cecca asked, rolling her eyes, huffing. "With his bloody apron and big, gruff voice," she added, hunching her shoulders and imitating the boy.

"You do him no justice," Liliana argued, for she knew something Cecca did not. "He is a hard worker, skilled at his trade. He wants to give you a good home." Cecca shook her head. Liliana pressed on. "Letting our padri pick our husbands is our tradition--"

"I don't care about tradition, cugino!" Cecca blurted. "I don't care if Marco would give me a good home!" Her voice was crescendoing. "I'm sick of people telling me what to do and how to live my life. It's my life!" Her nostrils flared and she turned away.

` "Cugino..." Liliana said, her voice thick with emotion.

"La tradizione è una maledizione," Cecca whispered whispered darkly.

Liliana put her head down and sighed.

"Mi mancherai."

Cecca looked back and saw in Liliana'a eyes what Cecca had always known: She was not going to marry Marco, son of the butcher. She was going to marry Emilio, the artist, who made her eyes dazzle.

She walked over and kissed Liliana on the cheek. "I will miss you too."

Liliana took Cecca's hand and held it to her cheek. A tear escaped her round eyes.

"I must go," Cecca said. "Emilio wants to leave tonight. But we will come back," she added with a sad smile. "You know, once all the hair my Papa pulls out grows back," she laughed softly. She swung one leg over the brick, looking back.

"Your padre is only trying to do what's best for you," Liliana protested pitifully.

"I will marry for love," Cecca was resolute as she swung the other leg over. Before she began her descent, Liliana called out something else.

"We were supposed to be sisters." Her voice caught on the lump of sadness in her throat.

Cecca's eyes softened at the implications of such a statement.

"You were always my sorella."

Liliana closed her eyes and turned away, walking back into her room. When a sob escaped her lips, she dashed back to her balcony and looked over the edge.

All the stars are gone, along with her closest friend in all of Italy.

Fine Della Prima Parte


The other day I got really tired of the misrepresentation of tradition in books and movies-- rebellious princesses and runaway brides and what have you. Not all arranged marriages were prisons full of despair and not all princesses shirked their duties. Many people lived their lives in this way happily and peacefully, not in rebellion. So, I decided to write a story concerning arranged marriage! And I loooooooooooooooove Italy, so I decided to set a story there. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had an Italian character before, even though I'm part Italian! Well, I hope you like this, and I already have the next few parts written so hopefully, I'll post those soon. Thanks for reading!

Translations and Meanings:

Liliana-- Name of the flower lily, pure and innocent person

Cecca (Chay-Ka)-- She was born a free person

Emilio-- Someone who tries to emulate, or a rival.

Marco-- He who is at war.

Ay, i miei capelli sono presi sui mattoni-- Ay, my hair is caught on a brick

Idiota-- Idiot.

Cugino-- Cousin

Che cosa-- What

Sarto-- Tailor

Mustachio-- Mustache (Italian--American version)

Padre-- Father

Norcina-- Butcher

Padri-- Plural Father

La tradizione è una maledizione-- Tradition is a curse

Mi mancherai-- I will miss you

Sorella-- Sister

Fine Della Prima Parte-- End of Part One

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