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Setting for My Name is Solona

City Name: Waeny. Currency: Waens. Religion: They have no “religion,” but are under the supreme rule of the Old Ones and the Oldest. Government: Dictatorship. Language(s): The Language of Old and English. Name of Residents: From highest status to lowest status: Oldest, Old Ones, Awarded, Pleased, Servants, and Orphan Children. Waeny is a city situated in a valley, surrounded by a forest. They get their name from the “Waes.” It is a connection between two people, like marriage, and is the last remnant of magic. The Old Ones all but abolished magic, but the Waes is one part of the magic that will never be abolished. The Old Ones, governed by the Oldest, are the supreme rulers of Waeny. Their cruel courtroom is called “The Room,” their jail is called “Locked,” and the Old Ones and their staff do all their work at “The House of Old.” They have four main roads: North, South, East, and West. In this society, poor people are looked down upon, while the rich are awarded. The poorest road in town is West. Here, many Orphan Children live. They dwell in abandoned buildings, often forming their own groups or societies. Sometimes, children will have to join a group of Orphan Children and leave their families, taking away one more mouth to feed and back to clothe. It is here, in West, where Solona finds herself. Solona was a servant at The House of Old, living at the very top of the building in the smallest, crumbling room. One day, the Old Ones decide to kick her out and fire her, for no reason other than another person of higher status needs a job. Solona is forced to join a group of Orphan Children in West and find a job. She assumes all of this is just part of the mistreatment of Orphan Children. But, when weird stuff starts happening at The Camp, a camp thrown for the children on Waeny, she begins to wonder if there is more to this story; if Posme, one of her best friends, knows something she doesn’t; if she isn’t who she’s always been told she was; and if there is a plot against her entire group of friends…. Or all the Orphan Children.


This is part of a book I am writing.

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