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15 Things I am Thankful for

1. I'm thankful for God. My Deliverer. My Savior. My Father. The Man who makes the oceans rise and fall. The Man who makes planets spin in orbit. The Man who saved me from my sins.

2. I'm thankful for the Bible. The beautiful story of God's love, power, mercy, and judgment. The opener of eyes, and the voice of God.

3. I'm thankful for prayer. A lifeline between me and God. A direct message. A cry of help. A place of peace.

4. I'm thankful for my family. Momma, Daddy, Maddox, Dailyn, Walker, Collete. They bring joy into my life, hope into my heart. I would be totally and utterly lost without them.

5. I'm thankful for friends. People to joke with. People to cry with. People who I can be myself around. People who encourage me.

6. I'm thankful for long drives. Silence. Times for me to sit and think. To look out the window and watch the miraculous world go by.

7. I'm thankful for noise. Rambunctious, loud, beautiful noise. Noise that fills your ears and drowns out the world around you.

8. I'm thankful for smiles. Smiles full of white teeth, no teeth, crooked teeth. Smiles that show that we love each other.

9. I'm thankful for laughter. Laughter that makes your chest hurt. Laughter that makes your eyes water. Laughter that sticks to your brain to be remembered forever.

10. I'm thankful for singing. Raw emotion flowing through every note. The best instrument in the world is the voice.

11. I'm thankful for beautiful minds. Minds that can craft stories and see beyond this world. Minds that can take a blank piece of paper and make it alive. Minds that think up amazing, innovative, new ideas. Minds that can bring beauty to a blank world.

12. I'm thankful for nature. Rolling fields and tall grass. Dense forests and tall trees. Clear lakes and deep oceans. Blue skies and pink clouds. A world full of color.

13. I'm thankful for Africa. A world full of beautiful people. And good food. And gratefullness. And happiness. And home.

14. I'm thankful for 2020. For all the things I've learned this year. The conversations we had around the dinner table. The research we did late at night. The times when all we could do was depend on each other and God.

15. I'm thankful for you. For a beautiful human made in the image of God. For a person who I could meet in Heaven one day. For a person who I can talk with, pray with, laugh with. You. I'm thankful you're alive.

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