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20th of 2020

I don’t know why I find this so cool. That there are three twenties in the date that I see and that I’m going to write while I do school. Right now I’m laying on my mom’s bed(because my phone charger is in her room) writing this. My mom is on the computer, writing some verses for the ending of Harry Potter in 99 seconds. My siblings are watching the Harry Potter raps on YouTube. My sister was just asking my Siri if she knew what Harry Potter and Nifflers were. I was just texting on of my best friends, Annie, asking her if she watched the Harry Potter LEGO video I sent her. Last night we watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2- which is part of the Harry Potter world. This morning my sister watched the second Harry Potter. At breakfast, my littlest sister kept quoting the Harry Potter LEGO to make us laugh. As you can see, our obsession with the Harry Potter world is a bit Ridikulus. XD. Sorry, that’s a Harry Potter joke. There’s really no point to this paper. I just find the date so cool, and I though I should write a paper about it. Now I’m trying to see if I can add God into this somewhere. I want to use my writing to share the Gospel with people. I could tell you I just finished a plan on my Bible app with my mom about confronting the enemy. Or I could tell you I was thinking about one of my best friends, Wilson, and how he always reminds me in his letters that Jesus is our Savior. He just radiates the Light. Or I could tell you about my friend Katherine(Kit-Kat Sully) who planned a Bible study during the quarantine, and how I love talking about God and with my friends who I don’t get to see that often. Or I could tell you about how when I do school, I’ll read Genesis. I just finished the story of Jacob. I think what comes next is the Israelites as slaves and God using Moses to save them. And that when I do Bible time, I’ll write 07-20-2020. Which is just really cool. Maybe I could tell you about my dad, who is a pastor and works at a special needs middle school and high school. Or my mom, who homeschools 5 kids. Or I could tell you about Gideon, my littlest brother, who was baptized last year, and who I’m so proud of. Or I could tell you about Gracie, his twin, who loves no matter what. Or I could tell you about Sam, the oldest boy, who will always make you laugh. Or I could tell you about Piper, or Pipey, as I call her. She’s four, and she’s just so cute and sweet, and loves us so much. She’s always leaving pictures under our pillows for us. I could tell you about my mission trips, and the amazing people I have met in Uganda. Who love, even when sometimes they don’t feel loved. Who have hope, even when their situation looks hopeless. Who work hard, even when their work looks like it won’t yield much fruit. Who are grateful, even when they have nothing compared to me. Who praise our God with all their heart and soul. Who have brought me amazing friends, like Wilson and Teacher Rose and Paul and the kids who’s name I can’t remember for the life of me, but played Tic-Tac-Tie with me and made me smile. And the kids at Genesis, who work so diligently in their school work, but who always find time to play with mzungus(white people) like me. I could tell you about my girl Felista, our little sponsor child. Her sweet letters, which told us her favorite things are church and school, and adorable smiling pictures could make the Grinch happy. But I’m not going to tell you any of that. Instead, I’m going to let you ponder how amazing our God is, and how cool the date is.

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