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Alaskan Beauty Heals a Broken Heart

She drives along the Yukon River; a perfectly white, flat, sparkling expanse of frozen ice.

6 dogs pound on the packed ice, their chests heaving as “Mush” falls off her lips. 

The mountains cradle the river, protecting it from the hustle of the outside world; it’s white-capped peaks reach for the sky. 

Not a sound can be heard apart from the dogs; they are completely alone in the frozen land. 

It’s quiet, peaceful, pure. 

The sun begins to set and the sky turns dark blue, deeper than the depths of the ocean. 

Night comes but sunset lingers.  

The sun turns bright orange, a glowing ball of fire. 

A sense of purity washes over her like rain as beauty stole the breath from her chest. 

She was captivated by the magnificent pulse coming from all around her. 

Her broken heart began to heal; “There must be a God out there, somewhere.”


I tried hard with the imagery here.

This is actually a true story; my Youth Teacher used to live alone with her dogs in the center of Alaska. This was such a great testimony, and she actually said the quote “Night comes but sunset lingers.”

I hope you like it! If you do, give me a like and tell me what you think via the Contact form!

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