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And Death Was Defeated

He began to glow.

The linens around Him, sealing His body and face, shimmered and quaked, light beaming from their every seam. The light became blinding, too bright for this earth. His body began to float, pulsing, pushing, pulling. Every muscle in His body began to strain, every cell quiver, every fiber twitch. His skin tingled and regrew. Then, His heart began to beat.

Light burst from the perfect holes in His hands and feet. It was white-hot, so luminous it was almost tangible. The linens binding Him shrank away from its heat and landed on a pile on the floor. Power coursed through His now-living body, His chest heaving as He breathed in air for the first time in days. His organs rushed the catch-up on workdays undone. His mind raced and buzzed and shook, finally truly alive.

The light lessened a bit-- never dimmed. All that was left of it, though, was piercing the holes in His body and weaving His hair, making it look as if wind-blown. He reached a white hand to His face and pulled off the head cloth, revealing two glowing, holy eyes. His face, once ordinary-looking, shone with the fullness of His God-power.

In His other hand was a black, writhing creature, consisting only of pain and sorrow. It shifted form and changed dimensions, limbs spilling out of it and eyes blinking everywhere. It had once been a mighty beast, roaming the land and taking captives at will. Now it was reduced to an animal. Its body stung and singed where He grabbed it, smoke dripping from His knuckles. He held it up to His face, regarding it like a boy would a lizard. The creature tried desperately to run away, but His grip was firm.

"Death," He said, addressing the animal. "Where is your victory?" He cocked His head. "Death," He repeated. "Where is your sting?" The creature's ever-changing eyes grew wide, and a whimper escaped its once-laughing throat. It struggled harder to get away, its limbs pawing at the air. He squeezed it tight, His veins rushing through with power-filling light. The creature screamed a horrible, bone-chilling scream, many mouths opening wide over its inky body in terror and pain. The light grew brighter, rising to a fever-pitch. Wind whistled throughout the tomb, growing stronger until gusts flew at Him. His eyes remained steady, fixed on the creature. Its every eye opened to stare fully at the Man who was bound to kill it.

"It is finished," He whispered.

It bowed its head.

The light grew again to blinding, filling the cave, and bursting through cracks in the tomb, rolling away the stone blocking the door with its power. Lightning struck down from the sky, wind gusted through the tomb, and at the center of it all was Him, the creature clutched in His nail-pierced hand.

And then, as everything was consumed with His Holy light, Death was defeated. All that remained after the light faded was life.


Word Count: 500

This is my idea of one of the scenes that could've happened the day Jesus rose from the dead. I took poetic license/creative liberty in hand because no one really knows what happened before the women got to the tomb. When we were doing sunrise service today I just could not get this image of Jesus pulsing with resurrection power out of my head. I really hope you like it!

Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57! Please read these! I used them to help write this piece.

Happppppy Easter!

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