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Desperately Running to You

My heart’s desire is to be closer to You. 

Nothing is more important to me. 

I am desperate, desperate for You. 

I’m like a dog running wildly. 

Paws pounding on the ground. 

Chest heaving in motion. 

Panting for water. 

Gulping in air. 

My ears ring with my thumping. 

My hearts seems to be bursting out of my chest. 

My lungs gasp for air. 

I need to drink Your living water. 

No, I’m not exaggerating. 

This is not fake. 

I know by the end of my run I will be limping. 

And my fur will be matted. 

And my strength will be all but gone. 

And everything I know and love will be gone. 

But You will scoop me up. 

I will be with You. 

You will heal my wounds and brush my fur. 

You will give me water and rest.

You will teach my Your ways and I will know You.  

You will be my everything. 

You will be enough.

The race, the running, the panting, the limping... 

It will all be worth it. 

And that thought brings tears to my eyes. 

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