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Full of Color

Our world is full of color. This place that we call home. Sometimes it’s a friendly yellow, smiling at you at the grocery store, brightening your day. Sometimes it’s a dark, moody blue, painting the street wherever he goes. Sometimes our lives can be a mundane gray, before a bubble gum pink steps into the picture, splashing color in our frame.

Maybe your a cool turquoise, minding your business all the while staying calm. Maybe your a fiery red, full of color, walking boldly. Sometimes we are a beautiful purple, writing poems and drawing dreams. Other times, we’re an imaginative green, creating stories and drawing master pieces. And, some of us are those obnoxious  reds and oranges, disrupting people’s pictures with what they have to say. I’ve seen people who are a melancholy blue, their frames filled with the sadness of the world. Yellow, pink, mint green, people  who brighten your day without even trying to. Our world is full of color.

God was a masterful artist, painting our world with the most vivid of colors. His landscapes were immaculate, His abstract diverse, His portraits brought tears to your eyes. He was the artist, with the vision in His eye. We are the paint, eager to be used for His glory. His world is the color Rainbow, and He sees no limit to the colors He has created.

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