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Gleaming Glory

We anxiously await Your arrival. The throneroom is cleaned to perfection so as not to stain Your beautiful, purple robe. We dress in our best- elegant clothes You wove with strings of glowing excellence. The smell of sweet perfume fills the air, sunlight spills into the room through luminous windows, the best wine is brought out for the King, and birds sing as they recognize the footsteps of their Creator.

Flashbacks of our lives before You rescued us play behind our eyes. Chains wrapped around starved wrists, enslaved and imprisoned by Sin. Drowning in a swamp of despair as Sins whisks us to and fro. Black tar clings to our faces as we gasp for air. But then You showed up in a gold chariot, white horses pulling in front. You bought us with bags of holy blood, choosing us out of the crowd. Now we are Your happy servants- gleeful slaves- who fall over each other to answer Your every royal call.

We hurry to line the walls as a great red carpet is rolled out before the throne. The trumpets ring around the room as the doors are flung open. We bow as our King walks in, our noses hovering over the ground. I am in a perpetual state of awe to be allowed within Your magnificent presence. I am but a slave with a gleam in my eye, my greatest desire to glorify my King. As you pass, I daringly tilt my head to behold Your face. You turn Your regal head in my direction and the light glints of Your gem-incrested crown. Your deep, beautiful eyes meet mine and the air catches in my throat. I see a gleam in Your eye identical to mine and I realize my gleam was never really mine- it came from You.

"My daughter," You call me with the voice that spoke stars into the sky and mountains onto the Earth. Tears well up in my eyes that You consider a slave such as I to be Your daughter. You nod Your head reverently to me before you turn back to Your throne. You sit upon it and smile down at Your people. The choir begins to sing melodiously and the trumpets sound triumphant as we serve You whatever extravagant thing You ask for.

You stand and say "When Your time here is up, You will come live in My shining palace. My Son is preparing a room for each and every one of You. There very will endless dancing, laughter, and worship, and we will feast. I will take away every sorrow and I will wipe away every tear from your face. And I will say, 'Well done.' So give me Your heart that I may take and seal it for My courts above*."

I decide at that moment that I will live a life worthy of Your palace, giving my heart to You. I anticipate that day when dancing, laughter, and worship of You fill our days. When the words "Well Done," will ring gloriously in my ears.

One day.


*Lyrics from "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing."

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