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Go, the Sky Spinner Said

I can see some of you doubt. Some of you still wonder about Me, still struggle with unsaid questions. Even after all I have shown you, all I have done for you, lies ring around your head. Well, let Me tell you this: All authority on Heaven and Earth has been given to Me. Heaven fits in the palm of My hand; gold, diamonds, crystals stud My fingertips. Space spheres spin and crash according to My command. I make asteroids curve in their belts-- enormous chunks of rock capable of ripping terrene to pieces dancing to My tune. Stars sing and blink in the night, skin-melting-hot balls of gas tripping over each other to please Me. Planets of pure ice and storm melt upon My sight while I make planets of death and desert’s blood run cold. My gaze is celestial*, all-seeing, reaching the depths of the galaxy. Light bursts forth from My lips, filling the void and exposing the darkness. Earth is but a needle prick within My ever-expansive borders. Volcanoes erupt and explode, lava fiery with a thousand flames spilling to the ocean below at a snap of My fingers. Plates quake, crack, and splinter under My feet; tsunamis bespatter dry land and bury continents as I wade in the ocean. Great ocean creatures unseen by any human eye unfurl tentacles as long as boats and swing fins like icebergs with a glance from My eye. Birds with feathers like silver-gleaming swords take to the sky in swarms and land animals with feet that flatten the ground migrate in droves with a flick of My wrist. Mountains fall and rise again in time with My heart. Life spills from My lungs, forests growing and animals springing forth when I exhale. I am the Conductor, and the Universe is my Orchestra.

Now to you, creatures of dust and bone, this is My command: Go. Go to the lowly, the humble, the downtrodden. Go to drunkards, to prostitutes, to swindlers. Go to people who will curse your name and spit on your face. Go to people who will take the clothes off your back and the blood in your veins. Go to tribes in the deepest, drowning jungles. Go to peoples at the edges of the rockiest deserts. Go to villages among the bone-freezing mountains. Go to slums on the outskirts of the most ruthless cities. Go to men whose culture is contrary to yours. Go to women whose language is different from yours. Go to children whose features are nothing like yours. Go, and dip them in My holy water. Clean them of grime and muck, past and guilt. Remind of them of what I have done for them; My hands pierced with nails, brow scarred with thorns, back shredded with lashes; My veins pulsing with twice-living blood, My lungs filling with twice-breathed air. Tell them of what I have done, what I will do, and what I command you to be. Do this in My name, the Spirit’s name, the Father’s name. Do these things, and I promise: I will be with you. I, who placed the stars in the sky and the planets in their orbit, who filled the oceans with My palms and formed the mountains with My hand, who designed each animal and painted each plant, will be with you. When this generation passes, I will be with you. When the new children rise, I will be with you. When kingdoms crumble, I will be with you. When nations are born, I will be with you. When lands are destroyed, I will be with you. When islands are formed, I will be with you. When time crashes in on itself and stops forever, I will be with you. God’s power is Mine. Your command is to go. My promise is to stay.


Word Count: 637 This is based on the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20.

*Line inspired by Verse 1 of “All of Our Tomorrows” by Sovereign Grace.

For Mrs. Julie: Part 2, Session 1, Questions 1 & 2

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