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Guess Who?

“Hey, you wanna play ‘Guess Who?’” “Sure!” “I’ll go first.” “Ok.” “Is it a boy?” “Yes.” “Is he the most powerful being in the universe?” “Yes.” “Did he make the entire universe with just his voice?” “Yes.” “Did he die for our sins?” “Yes.” “Did he heal people and raise them from the dead?” “Yes.” “Do we pray to him?” “Yes.” “Does he answer our prayers?” “Yes.” “Did he send us a book to learn more about him?” “Yes.” “Does he hold the universe in the palm of his hand?” “Yes.” “Did he give us life when we were dead in our sins?” “Yes.” “Is he with you and me everyday?” “Yes.” “Is he sovereign?” “Yes.” “Is he gracious?” “Yes.” “Is he merciful?” “Yes.” “Does he care about you and me?” “Yes.” “Is he preparing a place for us?” “Yes.” “Will he wipe away every tear?” “Yes.” “Is he the only way to Heaven?” “Yes.” “Does he help us follow him everyday?” “Yes.” “Did he promise us he would come again?” “Yes.” “Did he save us solely to glorify him?” “Yes.” “Are we his?” “Yes.” “Need we just believe in him to be saved?” “Yes.” “Does he control the good and the bad?” “Yes.” “Hmmm, I’m not sure.” “I’ll give you a hint.... he’s still alive.” “Oh, who is it?” “It is God, our Lord and Savior, who is with us always.”

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