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He Is When I Am Not

I am a sinner; I choose sin over        


I am a coward, though I say I    

     hate cowards. 

I am selfish, and I only think of


I have unrighteous anger.   

     that I fling on innocent     


I wallow in guilt and regret,      

     refusing to move on. 

I don’t think on the things that

     the Bible says to think on.

I don’t love my neighbor as

     myself, I love myself above  


I don’t hide God’s scripture in  

     my heart; I don’t even read

          it every day

I’ve broken all of the 10

     Commandments, and I never

          even tried to keep them.

I am unsteady and inconsistent.

I try to teach but I am guilty of  

     the same sins of the


I deserve to go to Hell  



I know a God who will never    

     commit a sin; He cannot

          commit a sin. 

I know a God who is courageous  

     and brave, flying into battle.

I know a God who wanted us,

     His people, so much that He

          created us from dust. 

I know a God who is slow to  

     anger and His anger is


I know a God who picks us up    

     from our pit of guilt. 

I know a God who thinks on

     what the Bible says because

          He wrote it. 

I know a God who can give me  

     the love to love others. 

I know a God who has given me

     His Word. 

I know a God who knew from  

     the beginning of time I

          would break His

               Commandments, yet  

                    loves me anyway. 

I know a God who has always

     been here and who will

          never leave; the Alpha

               and Omega. 

I know a God who teaches

     profound wisdom,

          enlightening thousands. 

I know a God who stopped me in

     my path to Hell, who has

          forgiven me of all my 

               sins, and is preparing  

                    a place for me. 

I know a God who can change  

     your life like He changed  


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