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i hear you

i hear your plane.

i hear the plane's engine as it screams toward two towers, men with blood staining their hands and clouding their eyes driving head-first into a wall of steel. i hear the splitting of glass as the nose met it's mark, crashing into near 80 and 60. i hear the crumble of pentagon cement, the center of our defense and our army, when wings dived into the west wall. i hear the sounds of men fighting to take the controls, to stop terrorists from causing their terror, of them calling their wives and promising to not die without a reason.

i hear your panic.

i hear the panic as people finished dialing the 1, the strain in their voice as they asked if this day would be their last. i hear the crowd gasp and scream as they stood at the feet of the buildings, looking up at the symbol of wealth and power that came crashing down. i hear the earth splitting open as metal hurtled down in a field instead of a building. i hear the blood spilled. i hear the prayers. i hear the gasped goodbyes. i hear the last-minute promises. i hear the tears falling. i hear the final breaths.

i hear your celebration.

i hear the celebration from halfway around the world, people excited because they thought america had fallen. i hear the mothers naming their newborns after the man who had devised one of the worst attacks on american soil. i hear the storekeepers selling shirts and posters with his face on them, recognizing the beings who sent others to their deaths in order to cripple their enemy. i hear the congratulations of making america look weak, look helpless, look done.

i hear your bat crack.

i hear the bat crack as our beloved game of baseball started up again. i hear citizens uniting around each other in dangerous comradery, assuring each other that it'll be alright. i hear americans proving to themselves and the world that they're strong, that they're brave. i hear the president throw a perfect first pitch in a display of defiance; i hear the stands go bezerk. i hear the crowds roar with each hit and score and strike. i hear the homemade posters flapping, paint dripping with support. i hear the adrenaline pumping in the players' veins as they ran with all their might, their minds remembering the smoke in the lungs. i hear the songs, i hear the chants, i hear the cheers.

i hear your gun shoot.

i hear the gun shoot as the promises given ten years before were fulfilled, as the man who sought to destroy america fell. i hear justice hit its mark. i hear lives avenged. i hear evil defeated. i hear america strike back. i hear courage and patriotism on full display.

i hear you become stronger than ever.


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