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Masterpieces Which We Call 'Books'

Here we write,

and we all read books.

We take up the fight

to grow our fandoms.

Sometimes we whiz through them,

reading 10 in a week.

But when we stop and look through them,

we'll see beauties untold.

We open the pages,

and ah! the smell is so wonderous.

Pages with knowledge and scenes upon ages,

and ages.

In simple black and white,

is a world full of color.

Authors show their might

with stories so vivid.

The feel of those books,

so smooth and crisp. It's more than just looks,

it's the feel of worlds unknown.

The voice so clear,

writer and character.

They both whisper in our ears,

and shout with the power of fantasy.

Oh, those books,

they bring back old times.

Masterpieces on which we are hooked.

There is beauty in those books.


Word Count: 138

On a writing site I and my friend called "" we had a prompt called "Ordinary Beauty," where we had to write about something we see every day that is beautiful. Books are certainly both of those!

I believe the style here is ABAC, although I rarely do poetry. Rhyming is hard for me, and not all of this is perfect, but, hey, at least I tried XD. Oh, and I just saw, the last 4 lines are ABA-ishA XD.

Welp, I hope you still like it!

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