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maybe i can bring you christmas


‘tis the most wonderful time of the year

for us atleast

but what of others?

what of the children who spend their christmas in war-ridden villages mud up to their ankles roofs collapsing above their sleeping heads strange men come to kill and take their brothers as soldiers?

in famines dust caught in their eyes clogging their throats their bellies more empty than the ordinary child?

with extremists banging on their door and demanding them recant and join their bloody cause?

with governments that take and steal then say no this is good as their own people starve and die?

where is their christmas?

yes, my darling.

i see you there my age huddled in a corner out in field carrying a brother caring for a mother.

i see your mind push christmas to the back as problems rush to the front with every ticking second.


maybe i can bring you christmas.

maybe, just maybe.

i can bring you joy.

maybe i’ll give you a puzzle to do when you’re bored.

and a pen and paper pad to write on complete with a merry christmas message and perhaps a star.

maybe i’ll give you a pair of sunglasses to wear when you’re feeling fancy the style i like because if i can’t wear them you can.

or a mermaid pen that changes colors to bring out the whimsical within you.

perhaps i’ll give you a toothbrush pack of floss and some underwear because let’s face it those are an uncommon necessity.

oh and a beanie boo with big eyes to curl up with at night.

and a fluffy christmas stuffed animal to celebrate with you.

would you like a pack of scrunchies to wear in your hair or on your wrist?

here’s some bracelets to remind you of Jesus wherever you go.

perhaps you’d like a hawaiin style necklace with flowers for any time of day.

maybe a coloring book and crayon to finish it off which you can color whenever you’d like.

I know that at christmas i need only make a list of things i like and i’ll have piles of presents.

coloring utensils books pillows stuffed animals fuzzy socks new clothes and everything in between.

our grandparents aunts and uncles will hand over whatever we ask or something close to it.

yet you get nothing.

so i will bring you something wrapped in a shoebox.

12 girls across the world.

united by the gifts we give and receive.

our hearts warm and our teeth show as we smile.

we are all different colors ages sizes and come from different backgrounds yet we will come together on this infamous day.

we will listen to that wondrous gospel story and we will be reminded of the true meaning of christmas.

yes yes oh yes.

maybe i can bring you christmas.


Word Count: 473

Ok, so I am slightly annoyed that it seems that every one of skipping Thanksgiving because no one’s grateful anymore and that’s why our world is heading towards the dumps, but this happened today and I wanted to write a poem about it.

Today we packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, which sends Christmas presents to children in need. It really is special, getting to send a Christmas present to someone who probably wouldn’t have had one otherwise.

There were 11 boxes in the 10-14 yrs, girl category (my category) which is mainly what this is about. My church packed a total of 75 boxes, give or take a few.

The point of this is that many of us are very privileged in the area of gifts, at least compared to children living in third world countries and that sometimes we need to help them in ways they can’t help themselves. And it’s fun! I had a wonderful time picking all of these things out and setting up the table (even though I had to go back in and fix some boxes because apparently, people can’t follow written out instructions) and thinking of where these boxes will go.

I might be able to track these boxes, and if I can, I’ll repost with the places the boxes went.

Thank you for reading!

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