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My Senses have Returned

Sometimes, I feel as if I need to get away. Away from this world. Away from hard questions. Away from difficult tasks. Away from lies. Away from riots and propaganda. As I swim in Granny’s pool I decide to dunk my head under. I dive deep, until my ears hurt. I close my eyes, and curl up in a ball. My senses have left me. I cannot hear, I cannot see. The only thing I feel is water, as I’m floating up. But, then I touch the surface, and my senses return. I look at my brother, and I think, “Life would be “so much easier “if I was a child.” “Without opinions “and ideas “and thoughts on what “is happening “around us.” But, then I think, “Do “I “want “that?” Do I? “No.” I have opinions, and ideas, and thoughts. If I were a child, without those things, I wouldn’t be me. I wouldn’t be passionate. I wouldn’t rely so heavily on prayer. I wouldn’t daily seek God. My opinions, thoughts, and ideas may be different than others, but that doesn’t mean I should disregard them, because then I wouldn’t know truth. My senses have returned.

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