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No Mercy

You are floating above a dark, abandoned city.

You can tell that you’re invisible; merely a spectator to the scene below.

Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair starts running down the street before you.

Her hair whips behind her, and her shirt flaps like a cape.

She is constantly looking behind her, panting, her gait uneven on the cracked road.

You glide silently behind her, keeping up perfectly with her pace.

She never looks at you, never sees you.

You just watch, wondering why the girl is so terrified. 

Signs start appearing beside the road as you travel deeper into the city. 

Pictures of a woman with a red face. 

Her hair is stringing and greasy. 

She stares evilly down at the girl in front of you, her eyes filled with malice and hate. 

Each sign says No Mercy

No Mercy

No Mercy

No Mercy

Big letters that seem permanently imprinted on your eyes. 

You can hear those words ringing in your ears. 

The girl continues to run in the silent, abandoned city. 

You feel fear for her, as the signs grow bigger and closer together. 

Panic rises in your chest, filling your being. 

You try to scream, but you can’t. 

You can only watch as the signs close in on the girl.

You drift closer to the girl, and you see big, green eyes. 

Filled with fear. 

Reflected in them is not your face, but the face of the red woman. 

You can hear chains clinking and men shouting and orders being given by a woman. 

And her face is red. 

No Mercy

No Mercy for her. 

No Mercy for you. 

No Mercy


This is part of a series on dreams. The only part of my dream that I remembered last night was a terrified girl running down a street, signs with a red woman,  and the words No Mercy ringing in my ears. So I decided to build off of that. I’m not usually one for the thriller genre, but I thought I could make a good story off of my dream. When I think of this, I think of Communism coming in and taking over, and anyone who opposes the "red woman," being silenced. With no mercy.

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