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Operation Green Future

 “Ok. I’m ready,” Solau Climetasus said determinedly. Dressed in her silver suit, she stepped into the time-traveling machine- otherwise known as “The Messiah.” The face of The Great Climate Activist was imprinted on the white siding. Solau climbed into the black chair in the center of the machine and buckled in. The hatch closed behind her with an electronic whir, leaving Solau in total darkness. A hologram appeared in front of her- Dr. Recysa Greene. Her hair was pulled in a tight bun and her glasses perched on the tip of her nose. 

   “Remember- you’re mission is to find out what changed in our world due to climate change- in the future- so that we can stop it now,” Dr. Greene said. Solau nodded, plunking a green helmet onto her blonde head. 

   “Commence Operation Green Future,” Dr. Greene announced, and the hologram disappeared.

   A brick landed in the pit of Solau’s stomach.

   The Messiah began to spin- faster and faster. Solau’s hair whipped in her face and she screamed. Solau retched before The Messiah stopped spinning suddenly and she jerked under her buckles. The hatch opened and Solau staggered out, desperate to leave The Messiah.       

   What she saw made her want to return. 

   Everything was on fire. Smoke filled the air and instantly clogged her lungs. The pungent smell of burning rushed down her nostrils. The fire crackled in every direction and the ground seemed to boil. 

   A child with long, knotted hair and ripped clothes ran in front of her. 

   “Hey!” Solau yelled. The child eyed her. He was covered in dirt and ash. 

   “What happened here?” Solau asked. “What part of climate change did this?” 

   “Not climate change,” the boy said in a thick accent and broken English, shaking his head. 

   “Human depravity destroyed world.”


There was a prompt on a writing platform I use to write about climate change in 300 words or less. This is my response. Also, I don’t believe climate change is as bad as everyone says. I do think it makes for great writing- it’s fast, disastrous, and uncontrollable. But, in real life... that’s different. I haven’t found a lot of real evidence for climate change, humans drastically affecting the environment, CO2 destroying the Earth, or wind and solar energy benefiting people.  If you look at it from a Biblical view, you’ll know that God will always take care of the Earth and that He’ll always take care of us.

All the media says it’s real and that it’s a problem, and I have a rule of thumb that if all the media says it’s true, it’s probably not and I need to do some digging. I haven’t done much hard digging, but I have read enough from trusted resources to know that there’s more self-gain, fear tactics, and politics involved in this area rather than real science. Here are some good resources from trusted sites, scientists, and authors: 

Climate Change: What’s So Alarming? by Bjorn Lomborg, Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center with PragerU.

Climate Change: What’s Do Scientist Say? by Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist and one of the world's leading climatologists with PragerU.

Is Climate Change an Existential Threat? by Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels with PragerU. 

And here’s the link to Answers in Genesis’ papers on climate change: Answers in Genesis is an amazing science organization that explains everything from Creation to Anatomy to Abortion to race- with a Biblical world view. This is a really good paper that they wrote on climate change:

Thanks for reading! 

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