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Our World

People dying; children crying; hunger overpowers; power-hungry men command; countries crumble; cities divide; unnecessary violence is normal; families split; spit flies from arguing mouths; corrupt governments oppress; lies and manipulation- just another tool to gain power; sickness kills; medicine is available but not given; money is put where God should be; poverty saw, poverty came, poverty conquered; alcohol and drugs leave people to die; electronics cause people to waste away; blind eyes are turned; people pretend to be who they’re not; the Bible is thrown in a drawer to be forgotten; churches burn; malnutrition shrink people to the size of peas; death claims whoever it wants; famine doesn’t care who it hurts; terrible weather destroys everything in its path; war whisks away soldiers to die; grief; despair; hopelessness; all the symptoms of a fallen world. These are the symptoms of sin; of choosing our own paths; of disregarding our Creator. What are we to do? Love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind; love others like ourselves; read our Bible; follow Jesus; live selflessly; be peace makers; give God his due glory; praise Him; use our lives to glorify Him; follow God’s will; sacrifice what is hindering our lives; speak up for others; control our tongue and anger; treat our bodies like a temple; nurture and teach our children; care for our elderly; pray; love like we’re not scared; give when it’s not fair; take time for a brother; live life for another; stand tall and above it all; fix our eyes on God above.

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