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Teaser for My Name is Solona

Solona's Prized Possessions

1. An old, worn stuffed animal bunny, with giant ears. 2. The Princess And The Frog, Revised edition. She couldn’t read, but she liked the pictures. 3. Metal trinkets and tools. For some reason, she knows how to use them without ever being taught.... 4. A wood rose Mesly has carved. “Solona” means, “The Crushed Rose,” in The Language of Old. 5. A picture of mountains Posme had drew her. His space was filled with messy stacks of paper and stubs of pencils. 6. A painting of a vintage airplane Meeto has painted for her. He had found a replica of an airplane at a museum; The Old Ones had banned air travel. 7. She would have much, much more, if only she knew who she was.... or if Posme would tell her.

**This is the beginnings of a book I am writing**

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