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Terrible Mother, Imperfect Daughter

NOTE: *************

This is just a fictional poem. The rhyming was hard. It's basically about a girl who can't live up to her mother's expectations. I imagine them living in old Europe when barons and princesses were really popular. I know poems like these set bad stereotypes for moms, but you should know I love my mom and she's awesome!


elegant dress

beautiful shoes

you put me to the test 

im afraid i will lose

all these expectations

they overwhelm

you are so impatient

but this is your realm

this night is endless

oh you know i will fail

you seem so heartless

your words feel like hail

hitting my skin

if i am not perfect 

it is a sin

outside looking in i seem terrific

but everything i do

is terrible

but it’s because of you

you are unbearable

i cannot be the person

that you picture

nothing can help not even coercion

you think that your words are scripture

you think you are a god

I feel like a servant

i cannot even sob

you expect a princess from this maidservant

but the truth is 

you are a terrible mother 

and I will never be




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