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The Art of Candy Picking

You’re in a candy store. You can’t decide which candy to get, because that’s very important. You finally settle on the chocolate section, but there’s so many chocolates that you consider going back to the sour candy section. You go through each aisle, inspecting each box and bowl of candy. The cashier starts getting impatient, but you ignore her.

She obviously doesn’t understand the art of candy picking, you think. She rolls her eyes and sighs loudly.  You glare back at her and throw her a box of M&M’s, which quiets her down. You’ve narrowed it down to one aisle when the lights turn off. You look over at the cash register, but the cashier isn’t there. You look over to the door, and you can see the cashier locking the door.

“Hey!” you yell as you run over to the door. She sticks out her tongue at you and runs away. You spend a few meaningless minutes banging on the door and yelling before you realize that’s useless. You sigh and turn around, then realize that you’re in a candy store

A smile spreads across your face as you look over all the candy in the store. I don’t even have to choose now!, you think. I can eat all of the candy!  

They find you in the morning in a sugar coma, surrounded by boxes of candy, underneath a shelf that’s completely empty. 


This is part of a series on dreams.

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