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The Tale of Suspension, Scribbles, and Savanna

There was once a land called the World of Hobbies and Careers, in which people young and old could participate in activities- from running to arithmetic and singing to science. Inside was a place called “Write the World,” where wordsmiths, poets, novelists, and prose crafters could share their creations with other writers. A wordsmith- although she did love both art and singing as well- named Savanna joined this place, creating a name for herself and making many new friends. She thought the Creators of Write the World were nice and fair, but she soon learned that almost no one liked them. You see, they had a harsh set of rules that made it hard for the craftsmen, and the wordsmiths were always trying to find ways around them. But still, Savanna thought they would be fair.

Few times she posted things from the Land of Politics, but she still was willing to dive deep in its layers on occasion, because the ideas from the Land of Politics often spilled into people’s lives. Her favorite color was Red, in case you readers were wondering. Both times her creations were removed from the public square, which made the young wordsmith think that the Creators' favorite colors were Blue. Because of this, she created her own shop, called “Savanna‘s Scribbles,” where everyone could see what she created. You readers can still see it today, and contact her by it. One day, Savanna was feeling particularly audacious and wrote a piece on Privilege. Specifically White. She used 20 ideas by people of all colors, as well as the Bible, on which she built her life, to explain why she believed this idea was prejudiced. Still, some people disagreed with her- whose favorite color was most likely Blue. They may have well thought that the young wordsmith was mean, but since that definition varies from wordsmith to wordsmith, we shall say they “believed it to be mean.” The other writers told her what they thought- some very rude, others not so. Savanna, you see, was very close to her parents, and told them all that was happening. The mother of said wordsmith was particularly upset about one writer’s remarks, which stated that Savanna has White Privilege, would remove the remarker from the vicinity, would not consider her own actions, would not look past her bubble of life, did not love her beloved Uganda, was using her religion as an excuse, was ignorant and racist, disagreed with the very existence of the remarker and their loved ones, and told her to read a book, do some research, and talk with someone, among other things. So, she showed this remark to her friends in the Land of Instagram but did not include said remarkers name. The creation that young Savanna wrote was removed from the public square, with a square of parchment sent from the Creators. Savanna sent back a reply, explaining why she believed others should be able to see what she wrote. The parchment the Creators sent said that Savanna’s remarks veered away from the craft of writing, and gave her some Terms, where the harsh rules lay. In the Terms, it included “hate speech” which Savanna thought was the other reason for her creation being removed. But, she argued, nothing in her creation was hateful.

After many days passed, the Creators still did not reply, so Savanna put her creation back in the public square, and explained what she thought happened. She had a few remarks, but most were proud of her. Even said remarker asked the young wordsmith questions regarding the Bible. Then, a young member of the Write the World community watched a speech Savanna made on the importance of helping people with special needs. Somehow, the young member found the post from the mother of Savanna, although it is unknown how. They say that they found the profile of the mother from the speech, but never has the profile of said mother been released there- or anywhere else in the Land of YouTube. There was a small discussion between the young member and said mother, which ended in the picture and remark staying in the public square of the Land of Instagram, but an agreement from said mother to not post remarks in the future.

That same day, Savanna was permanently removed from Write the World, although she wasn’t sure what was happening. Her dear friends, the Knights Kit-Kat and Madeline, have been ferrying her messages from inside the community. Unbeknownst to Savanna, a fight erupted between the friends of the young remarker and member and Savanna’s dearest friends, whom she is eternally grateful for. Now, Savanna is sending parchments from Kit-Kat to her friends, such as the Knights Anne and Eden, and some philosophers like Treasure, and other poets and writers like Ghoulgirl and Jasmine, and discussing the matter with Madeline. She has sent a parchment to the Creators, stating how it was a miscommunication and a misunderstanding, and how she would never knowingly make a false statement. She is so obsessed with the truth she will toil over even the smallest pieces of poetry to perfect them. She is waiting, hoping, and praying to get her membership to the Write the World community. For now, she is hoping some of her dearest friends will go to her shop and be able to contact her and is researching other writing communities, which her friend Madeline said would join her.

All happens in God’s time. 

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