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Truth in Black and White

Here, I am, writing truth. This is the truth; undiluted, pure, clean truth. The truth is, we’re all sinners. I’m a sinner. You’re a sinner. We love our sin more than we love God. He created us, weaved us, loves us. But, we love our own selfish desire more. The truth is, God sent His perfect Son to save us from the plague of sin. His name was Jesus. He lived a perfect life. He healed and preached. Then, He was put on trial for a sin he never committed. He was betrayed by one of his best friends(I’m sure you can relate), and was condemned. The truth is, the “religious” people, who actually didn’t love God, took Him to be crucified. He died the most horrific death that you can imagine, while people mocked Him. He did it all for me. He did it all for you. Did you think that’s where it ended? Of course not! You think the Man who created the entire universe with His voice would stay dead and in a tomb? No! The truth is, He rose again! He’s not dead. His skeleton isn’t somewhere in the Holy Lands. He is sitting in Heaven, preparing a place for His children! And guess what? The truth is, you can be one of His children. He can save You. You’re on your way to a bad place. But, God can bring you to His perfect place. He can give you peace, He can show you love, He can tell you truth. All you have to do is believe. Really, you don’t have anything to contribute anything to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary. God is giving you the gift of eternal life. Just accept it! What are you waiting for? We are not promised a tomorrow. If today is your last day, wouldn’t you rather know where your going than live in a mystery? Wouldn’t you rather serve the Almighty God than serve your selfish desire? Wouldn’t you rather know Him than know nothing? Accept the gift that God is giving you. All you have to do is pray and tell Him. And give Him all the glory. He deserves it.

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