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Wait a Second, Aren’t We Fighting For Equality?

Trigger Warning: Racism, White Privilege, God, and mentions of: Black Lives Matter, victimization, sexism, subhuman, and oppression. Have y’all noticed how many people are promoting racist ideas today? You’re probably thinking, “Yeah, the cops,” or “Yeah, Conservatives,” but that’s not what I’m talking about (I don’t believe that). This racism has come in the form of anti-racism. It’s been promoted under the umbrella of love, peace, and justice. Many people- even well-meaning people- have started using these ideas to show others what they believe is the state of America. Two very big ideas are circling today. One of them has a name and books and is promoted by almost everyone. The other is an idea that hasn’t been recognized by lots of people, but that is big and popular and governs people’s lives. I want to look at both of these ideas at their core, and explain why these ideas that have been played as “anti-racist,” “inclusive,” and “diverse,” are actually racist. 1. White Privilege I don’t think there is anyone in America who hasn’t heard of this, and I’m sure lots of people outside of America have heard of it. White Privilege was first popular after the essays, “White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies(1),” and “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack(2)” were written by Peggy McIntosh. White Privilege is the idea that White people or people with less melanin have an unearned advantage in life simply because of the color of their skin. It’s an idea that a White person will be treated better and will excel in life, not because of their accomplishments, hard work, intellect, ideas, or personality, but because they are White. Here’s a definition from, “White privilege is the unearned, mostly unacknowledged social advantage White people have over other racial groups simply because they are White(3).” White Privileged people- all White people in general- are also believed to be racist whether they've ever acted racist or not(4). Many people believe that White people oppress and hurt minorities, usually Black people, when they can provide for their family or themselves, and that White people believe they can rule the world, and that they keep White people in power. For example, a recent video was taken on an airplane where a White stewardess was asking a Black woman to sit down so that she could get to her door. But, the Black woman refused to sit down because “it’s 2020,” and the stewardess is not in charge anymore. The Black woman said that the stewardess and the White people who told her to sit down where privileged. The woman who was refusing to sit down said that she was "a queen,” from "California" and that privileged (white) people don’t rule the world anymore. The Black woman created a large scene and was very popular on the internet(5). On top of that, some have even said that White people are subhuman due to their low melanin count, which is what many White people believed about Black people during slavery times because of their high melanin count. For example, Yusra Khogali, the leader of the Toronto branch of Black Lives Matter, said that “white people are a genetic defect of blackness,” and that “Whiteness is not humxness,” and “in fact, white skin is sub-humxn(6)." This is just one of many famous Black leaders and celebrities who have claimed that White people are “subhuman.” Now, assuming you have White Privilege, you must openly apologize to minorities, condemn yourself, and work towards promoting and returning what you have stolen from minorities. You must admit you are a racist, often sexist, and have exploited Black and minority peoples to get where you are today, and must elevate Black and minority people while bringing yourself down(7). If you already haven’t guessed it, I believe that telling someone they have White Privilege or accusing them of being racist and exploiting Black and minority peoples simply because they are White is horrible. Here’s the reason why: “(Racism is) the devaluation of various traits of character or intelligence as ‘typical’ of particular peoples.” That’s one of the definitions of racism by Oxford(8). So, White Privilege is seen as a “typical” trait of White people, and therefore, by definition, is racist. How could it not be? Many White people in the Civil Rights era and slavery times believed that things like stupidity, crime, and ungodliness were “typical” of Black people, just like White Privilege, and treated them differently because of it. As I mentioned before, some people believe that White people are subhuman based on their low melanin count, exactly like how early Americans believed Black people were subhuman because of their high melanin count. That’s unbiblical, according to Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them(9).” We're all created equal. That means that your White neighbor is made in the image of God, and your Black neighbor is made in the image of God. One is not any more sinful than the other, and one is not more saintly than the other. Gotquestions explains it like this, "Are all sins equal to God? Yes and no. In severity? No. In penalty? Yes. In forgivability? Yes. (10)" All sins are forgivable. The idea of White Privilege hurts both White and Black people. For White people, it is likened to an unforgivable sin. No matter how many times you apologize and repent, the stain of White Privilege will never be completely erased. Every time a White person succeeds, every time they get awarded, every time they earn something it will be denoted because it only came from White Privilege. White people- even if they have admitted and apologized for White Privilege- must go on a "cultural identity journey," and must stay on this journey for the rest of their life(11). If they do not take this journey, they are now asleep and enslaved to their privilege and now also have "white fragility." This prevents the White person from ever being free in Christ, from ever feeling forgiven or redeemed. They must constantly "check their privilege," which means basically to repent. But this is not what the Bible says! Romans 8:1 says, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.(12)" Those who have repented of their sins are free in Christ. John 8:36 says "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (13)" Jesus has set us free! That means all people- White people, Black people, Hispanic people, Asian people, all of them- who have trusted in Jesus are free in Him. A lesser-known verse, John 3:17, says “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him(14).” Jesus does not condemn us to a life of perpetual guilt because of something we can’t control! He came here to offer us a new life through Him, to save us from both sin and guilt. White Privilege and its baggage do not offer that. Only Jesus can. (15) White Privilege hurts Black people too. It sets an invisible barrier up around the Black person. They feel like they will never be able to accomplish anything simply because they are Black. It is a form of victimization because it encourages Black people to build their identity off of those who are White. Why would a Black person try to do anything when they are going to be skipped over? White Privilege sends a message to Black people that they cannot overcome or achieve anything. Any idea that promotes this type of thinking cannot be from Christ and is bigoted and disrespectful. 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (16)" Whatever feelings of victimization or oppression a Black person has felt have been taken away by Christ! Jesus has made them into a new, free creation. They have a purpose and a Savior who loves them enough to let them do great things. No one in God's great kingdom should be made to feel like they are lesser. In Christ " (17)" If you didn't know, there was a great cultural difference between the Jews and the Greeks, and Jews were extremely racist towards any Gentile. But now, through Christ, all races, ethnicities, cultures, and tribes are united. (15) Now, let me assume that you are not a Christian, and you think everything I just wrote about how White Privilege is wrong is not legitimate. That's OK. I respect your freedom. But, let me take the approach Brandom Tatum, or Officer Tatum took in his video made by PragerU, "How To End White Privilege. (18)" He says, "'Woke' White people, I'd like to ask you a favor: Please stop asking for forgiveness for your 'White Privilege.'" Officer Tatum is a Black man, by the way. He explains it like this: Is there a single banker who does not want to make money? If he wants to make money, why would he refuse a loan to a Black person? That doesn't make sense. And what about Black privilege? Officer Tatum argues that Black people will always be given advantages for the sake of diversity. If there are two equally qualified people, a Black person and a White person, the Black person will get the job. Candace Owens, another renowned Black educator, argues the same point in her show "The Candace Owens Show: Heather Mac Donald." She says that her children, who are half white, will always check "Black," on any applications they must fill out. She says that there are privileges that she will be able to enjoy that White people never will be able to(19.) I'll use another analogy proposed by Officer Tatum: If a Black lawyer and his wife have a baby and a single White woman who is addicted to Meth has a baby, which one will have more privilege? The White baby simply because he's White(18)? No. Officer Tatum doesn't deny that there are privileges, such as two-parent-family-privilege, or born-in-America-privilege, or good gene privilege, but White Privilege? "Come on now(18)." Officer Tatum says he has never been looked at suspiciously in a store, and Candace Owens says she has never been pulled over simply because she was Black(18, 19), which are both points Progressives argue for White Privilege. Let's use another point given by Officer Tatum: apologizing for White Privilege is virtue signaling. When a White person apologizes for White Privilege, it makes them look better than their "sleeping" neighbors. It gives them a sense of righteousness, and apologizing for White Privilege is often used as a publicity stunt rather than a sincere apology. And this hurts Black people. Nearly 50 years after the Civil Rights movement and the narrative is "You're still oppressed?" That makes people feel like a victim, and any person- of any color- who sees themselves as a victim will be angry(18). Now that you have heard my points, I'd encourage you to continue thinking about this. Ask yourself, "Is this a legitimate form of racism or an idea that was proposed to divide people by race?" Continue reading your Bible. Listen to Black voices like Officer Tatum and Candace Owens who offer you a different perspective on White Privilege. And keep these verses in mind: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." -Romans 8:1 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." -John 8:36 "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him." -John 3:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." -2nd Corinthians 5:17 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 3:28 And, finally... "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." -Ephesians 4:31-32 (20) This paper is long enough as is, so I will explain my other point in a future paper. I pray that you all have a good day and that I may have helped you shape a Biblical world view.


Word Count: 2,109 I respect your right to free speech. But I also hope you respect mine. If you happen to disagree with me, please keep your comments civil; please no cussing or innapropiate language. I am open to real conversations and friendly debates, if you are willing to have real conversations and friendly debate. If you aren't willing to be friendly and civil, I will keep this verse in mind: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven," Matthew 5:10. I really hope you check out The Candace Owens Show: Heather Mac Donald, which is primarily about the war on cops, but does touch on other subjects, as well as Candace's other videos, Officer Tatum's Video on White Privilege, as well as his other videos and his chat with Dennis Prager, and the book By What Standard, which explains so many things about Cultural Marxism from a Biblical perspective. Please also check out PragerU, which is not a University, but a place where all are free to learn. I have recently joined their PragerFORCE, which is a group of young Conservatives fighting for the truth. All of these resources have helped me navigate all of this hoo-ha and have helped me fully understand what is being said versus what is real. All of these people are highly intelligent, the book is incredible, and all of them are/include Black voices that need to be heard. I am loving the community of Black Conservatives I have found, and the White Conservatives I have found. Since all of this (you know what it is) has started happening, I have really found what I believe, and have come to understand rather than hear. I implore you: know what you believe. When we understand what we believe, we can have real conversations and debates. I am standing firmer on my foundation than ever before. (Please remember all of the videos that have comments will almost certainly have innapropiate language, so if you choose to read them, please be careful.) 1. 2. 3. 4. I didn't really need to include a link for this, everyone's already heard it, but if you want to learn how terrible White people are or how you're such a racist,(sarcasm) click here: 5. 6. 7. White woman kneeling before Black man and apologizing for White Privilege- More White women kneeling before Black man and apologizing for White Privilege White celebrities apologizing for White Privilege or 8. 9. 10. 11. This pastor does not represent the Christian community, so please do not think all Christians believe this. I got this information from the book "By What Standard," which is below. 12. 14.,ESV 15. These two sections are derived from pages 53-54 of By What Standard, a collection on essays on cultural and social issues. The specific essay I read was called “White Privilege: The New Original Sin” by Tom Ascol. He likened White Privilege to a new religion in place of Christianity. If you would like to buy the book, click here I would highly recommend it; it is very informational and exposed so many things about cultural and social issues. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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