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We, Me, and He

1.What is your favorite genre to write? Stories. Stories are amazing. They are so, so common yet so, so amazing. If you go to a library, you will see millions of storybooks. Large ones, short ones, fantasy, realistic, advanced, children's. You might be asking "What's so special about them?" But that's just it. They're not special. There is thousands upon thousands of storybooks. Why? Because they are so amazing. They can transport you to a different world. They can make you see things in an entirely different light. They put you in the mind of a character. Make you feel her pain, her joy, her confusion, her surprise. You laugh with her, cry with her. You are terrified for her or ecstatic with her. Storybooks can make you experience things you will never be able to accomplish. You can become a wizard, mermaid, animal, or fairy. They are common books on a shelf, hiding so much more. 2. What is your favorite genre to read? Heart. I love to read things that come from the heart. Whether it be a short story, song, poem, or anything in between, I love to read things that come from the heart. And you can tell what comes from the heart. You can tell who drew this story out of their very heart. You can tell who worked and tweaked and tinkered with their writing until they made the perfect piece. Writing that comes from the heart is a beautiful work of art. Poems from the heart can be awakening, songs from the heart can be life changing, stories from the heart are beautiful and intricate and holds so many secret meanings. Heart writing is enjoyable to read, and to write. It’s not a chore. Heart writing is magical. 3. What draws you to the writing community? I haven’t been part of the writing community for very long(well, at the time I’m writing this). There are so many differences in the writing community. Differences of culture, opinions, preferences, views. Different pasts, goals, ambitions. We all have different views of the world. It’s our differences that make us amazing. 4. What do you find most challenging about writing? I’m actually struggling to write this part of the paper, which is kind of funny. I think the hardest part of writing is effectively conveying what I am thinking. I know exactly what I want to write, but once I read my paper, I feel as if I’ve missed the whole point. Then I’ll spend a large amount of time tinkering with and tweaking my paper. I have great things to write, things that need to be heard, but sometimes I struggle with putting it down on paper in a way that is understandable. I think once you get past that part, writing is very enjoyable. Does anyone else have this issue? 5. Most exhilarating? The best part about writing is the idea that someone is going to read what you write. That someone is going to listen. Even if someone hates what you wrote, that idea has been planted in their mind. For example, I recently entered a writing contest hosted by the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives. I had no intention of winning. If I did, I would gladly accept the prize, but if I didn’t I would be fine with that. I was entering solely for the purpose of having my paper read. I wanted to plant an idea in someone’s mind. Maybe I would open their eyes to the truth, show them something in an unexpected way, or convict them. That was my goal for that contest. To make some changes. 6. What is one goal that you have for yourself while here? The goal I have while I’m here is the goal I have set for my life. Yes, I have a specific goal of becoming a missionary, but that is not my ultimate goal. My ultimate goal in life is to glorify God. I want to show you all His glory and power through my writing. I want to spark change in someone’s life. I want to show people the truth. I want to show you all love and give you hope. My goal in life is to complete God’s will. Through my writing I wish to glorify, obey, and please God, and I also want to convince others to follow the amazing, almighty, awesome God that I follow. Because that is the true purpose of a Christian.

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