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what the biggest eyes of vision see

a girl with


as big as

the laughing midnight


whose vision


from rolling ocean shore





looks around

at the big,

big world

and sees the things

we simply cannot.

she looks at

a patch of dirt

after a

storm, covered in

dots and dimples,

and sees a

thousand birds,

feathers so full and


eyes beady with


beaks as

bright as the

midday sun.

they peck holes in

the ground

to find worms


or she sees a

thousand tiny ants,

bodies red and loopy,

legs skinny yet so,

so strong,

each striking

out for their


building a

house for one.

or she wishes

she just

could have seen


the master

of pointillism,

create its

beautiful art.

she looks at the fire,

and sees dancers

in the flames.

bending and bowing,

chattering and laughing,

their red dresses


their love—

so fierce,

it burns.

she looks at

clouds of smoke,

and while others cry,


and point at the

spinning mass,

she sees emotion,

anger, hurt, passion,

so thick

it spirals.

she looks at a tree,

and sees

every individual leaf,

each one a

different shade

of green.

she sees the

heart of nature


with open arms,

poor woodland creatures

who have no home.

she sees love sparkle

around the sun-setting


she looks at animals—

cows, dogs, cats, chickens—

and can see

their emotions,

radiating off


joy, sadness, anger, laughter,

like waves of color that


she can see.

she knows what they are thinking,

when all but their eyes

are silent.

she can find a friend,

when others notice none.

she looks at

the sky,

and sees a playful


her eyes so crystal blue,

painting to her

hearts delight

the clouds upon which

we gaze.

she looks towards the ocean,

and can see the

whales swimming

in the shimmering sea,

their fins flapping,

as they beckon her to

join them,

their calls echoing

across the


she can see the mountains,

stoic and respected,

with a gleam

in their eye,

telling her to climb them.

she can see jungles,

as mischievous as the

animals that

abide within it,

rivers teasing her,

trees calling for her

to brave their

twisting centers.

she takes her

shoes off,

to feel the

ever-shifting sands

of hope

beneath her feet;

to feel

the soft, grass,

covered in a

thousand tears of dew,

finally wipe their eyes.

she wears her

hair down,

to feel the wind

come tell her hello,

and bring her new


from across the world.

she finds beauty

in all the nature

around her.

but the most beautiful

thing she has ever seen

are people.

their smiles so

white and gleaming

like freshly fallen snow.

their hair thick and shiny,

playing at their


their hands

so ready

to hold another.

she looks at them,

and her very

heart swells

with happiness

and wonder.

she goes to the

little ones, and

spins them

'round and 'round,

until all their

laughter mixes

into one joyful sound.

she goes to the

grown ones,

and listens to

what they say,

nodding and smiling,

until her head hurts,

but the pain flows away

because she knows

they are happy.

she goes to the aged ones,

and talks with them,

holding cold hands lined with

time, until

she warms them again.

never has she seen,

a more

beautiful creation.

she thanks the Creator,

for these people most of all.

when they cry,

she cries.

when they hurt,

she hurts.

when they laugh,

she laughs.

until all of them


they have a friend

in this girl, a girl with


as big as

the laughing midnight


whose vision


from rolling ocean shore






Word Count: 626

Draft #: Final

Spoken Word Performance Link:

*For a Spoken Word Competition*

I got this idea during my Youth Group on Sunday. I wasn't going to enter the competition but this idea was too much to ignore. I really hope you like it as much as I do!

I've never created a Spoken Word Performance and it took me many tries, mosquito bites, and exasperated sighs, but I think it turned well.

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